Fri 19 Oct, 2007 06:19 pm
The Lady Diane was diagnosed with Gall Bladder disease 7 weeks ago by my primary care doc. She was referred to another specialist after having some tests done. The other specialist then referred her to another specialist who ordered more (actually the same) tests redone. and she was then referred to another specialist (surgeon). Today she saw the G.I. specialist who told her that her condition had gotten much worse and the original intervention of one relatively simple surgery was now going to take 3 different surgeries and that she was now in a "life or death situation." She is now scheduled for the first surergy this coming tues. For seven weeks she has been suffering intensely because of the referral circus where no-one seemed to take responsibilty for what needed to be done or Lady Diane's well being.
Holy ****! Goddamn Flipping Doctors!! What a bunch of a-holes!
I'm so sorry. I'll be thinking of you both and sending powerful and positive vibes your way.
Keep us posted, dys.
Oh no!
More powerful and positive vibes.
gall bladder... oh man I'm sorry to hear that. get that f*cker out and don't let complications set in.... that's what almost got me. Good thoughts and
((((((((((((((((((((((((((((BEAR HUGS)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))), but only for Diane.
You I never liked.
Geez, I'm really sorry to hear this dys. Please give my best to Diane.
Yikes! I'm sorry about the diagnosis but the run around and loss of crucial time is inexcusable -- I'd be pissed too. Hang in there, both of you.
Starting up the chant
I agree with you that there should have been coordination, but it is not all the doctors' fault, if the word fault is used.
In the meantime, Diane is seriously ill and we're all worried. She's ok to talk for a while, but I/we don't know if she'll post.
I am sorry to hear that Dys. All my best wishes for her, and I hope
she's getting through these operations with flying colors. ABQ doesn't
seem to have the best healthcare providers there is.
Much love and good thoughts to you both!
Grrrr to all the doctors!
Hugs to Lady Di and Dys.
(I hate to admit it, but I like you both.)
Please pass along that she is in my thoughts.
Hugs to you both.
It'll all go well, that's what I feel.
Thanks for the update, dys. I cannot believe that Diane has been bounced back and forth as she has been. It took two days for my diagnosis and one day to get my gall bladder taken out.
As I have observed, the medical profession in America sucks. Well, you may not be pissed, but I am for you and Diane.
I don't know what to say! I'm so sorry to hear about Diane's health..... and feeling a little panicky and very pissed off. Please keep us up dated.
dammit that makes me mad.
hang in there, both of you.
If anything happens to Diane I will so open a giant can of whip ass on whoever might be handy and medically inclined.
I love her like one of my own.
I hope she knows that.
Tell her just in case.
Horrible. I wish there were one thing I could do to help.
****. I dont know what to say.
Oh dear.
Hugs to Dianne, and I do hope all goes well and smoothly with the operations.
You take care of your own self too Dys.
That is criminal in every sense of the word. Another example of the "good old boy network" screwing up.
My prayers are with Diane and with you Dys.
Keeping the two of you in my thoughts