If Mr. Tea knew your car was at Rising Sun shewolf, he'd bitch slap you.
I'm gonna go tell him...
Seriously, that's what the problem is with Rising Sun, they overestimate on EVERYTHING, and if you don't say something, that's the price they'll go with.
Way back when I had my old Corolla, they gyped me.
I knew I needed a new car, but didn't have enough to get one just yet. Something on the old car broke, and I was like you...really needed the vehicle right then. I was between a rock and a hard place, but I vowed I'd never go there again.
Oh...one other time...I was literally a block away from them, and my brake light turned on....or maybe some other light...what do I know, I'm a girl.

Seriously, I don't remember which light.
Anyway, I pulled in there, they weren't open yet, but a mechanic was standing around, so I asked him to take a look. At first he was all hesitant, wanted me to leave my car there so they could get it up on the rack and look it over...

Up until this time I think he though I was really a helpless female, since I was a little harried, being behind schedule.
That was when I let him know I was no one's fool. I may not know about cars, but I have common sense....I told him there was no way I was leaving my car there, I was busy....and BESIDES, I told him...there was no reason to put the car up on the rack to see why that particular light came on...he might have been a loose hose or something. I said, "look, I've already got the hood open, couldn't you just look at it here in the parking lot?"
He takes a look, adjusts a loose hose or something, and the light went off.
Huh, I said...looks like that solved it, but I'll keep an eye on it.
He was all "Well, I don't know if you should drive it around or anything"
I said, I'm just driving around town, if something happens, I'll be able to stop anywhere.
The light never came back on, that was 5 years ago....and it sounds like I might have saved $1500.00
Mr Tea sez now that you know from them what they think is wrong, just pick up the yellow pages and start calling around. They should be able to give you a ballpark if you tell them what they said.
I happen to like Lambs, over by the Walmart near Brodie Lane, but that's just were I go for regular servicing, and they're really professional and nice and don't talk down to you because you're a woman.
I don't know if they'd be really expensive or anything.