Tue 16 Oct, 2007 07:12 pm
I've noticed in the past few days references to cliques on a2ka. I am basically unaware of such occurences but I'm thinking this may be an inaccurate observation. Now I know I started the poopity head clique but, at least in my own mind, this had nothing to do with peeps I agreed with but rather poopity heads have generally been peeps with whom it is pleasant to argue with and disagree with or not. Debbie is as much a poopity head as is Lash or Thomas or Georgeob or Bernie or Edgarblythe or Phoenix or many many others. Those not welcome in the class of poopity head are those that perservate inane talking points sans thought provoking ideas. I may very well be a clique instigator.
seriously I am concerned about the idea of a2k cliques and really wonder about the observation of this truthfulness.
I like being part of a clique ---the clique that chooses to include all that are open-minded and have a sense of humor. Those that take themselves so seriously (and politics) that it's tediously boring don't interest me. I guess I'm close-minded in that way.
No no no. Castanettes cliques. Dancing girls, fandangos, doncha know?
******* typical.....there's cliques, and nobody asked me to join one.
Some of our stalwart posters complained at some point about feeling left out. I could name a bunch but won't.
It must be hard to chime into this morass that a2k is, but some do so lickedy split, and some feel shut out, see themselves as outsiders.
Many don't get that this is a worldwide forum, however US oriented it seems to be for wads of time.
I'll only comment to say that some people with whom I might be able to have a conversation in real life, only post about their one thing, seemingly their obsession. Perhaps this is from their only noticiing one forum, and fear/avoidance of others?
Has anyone gotten coberst to talk about chocolate, for example? Not to pick on him (her?).
Ragman wrote:I like being part of a clique ---the clique that chooses to include all that are open-minded and have a sense of humor. Those that take themselves so seriously (and politics) that it's tediously boring don't interest me. I guess I'm close-minded in that way.
Ohhh, can I join yours? I like it.
I don't like cliques. I much rather cook my own soup and stir things
Like Dlowan I have not been invited into a clique. But that's o.k.; I wouldn't join a clique that would have me (to coin a phrase).
Mame wrote:Ragman wrote:I like being part of a clique ---the clique that chooses to include all that are open-minded and have a sense of humor. Those that take themselves so seriously (and politics) that it's tediously boring don't interest me. I guess I'm close-minded in that way.
Ohhh, can I join yours? I like it.
Sure, but you're funnier and far cuter than I it's doomed.
The A2K cliques very much resemble the "cool kids" from high school.
Except they are much, much older. And instead of "play football," they "criticize the government and post bad puns on the internet."
Six of one, half dozen etc. etc.
Okay now who are the bloods and who are the crips?
Well, I am a pitcher of RED Kool-Aid.
West Side.
I don't need a clique, I have a church (TCOICBINB - keeping it holy for a while now, anyway).
Please send your donation to:
The Miracle Pets
somewhere on that mountain (or maybe valley (it depends))
Portland, Oregon, 97202
I guess if I was in a clique I'd know what those letters mean...
As a representative of the not her....the Bible Belt Boys, I would like to say a few words on our behalf...
Southside rules!!! Yee Haw!!!
Disclaimer: In no way does my previous statement convey the sentiments of A2K members that would be considered by most to actually be "Bible Belt Boys" such as Okie, MM, cj, OMDavid etc...since we are not a sanctioned lodge or club, nor do we have a charter....and especially since I just made the name up....but maybe it's something we could look into at a later date...anyway, I guess the words I said earlier were really just mine.
Cliques? What cliques? I don't know of any cliques.
Founder, Past Chairman and A2K Presidential Nominee of the Love & Beauty & Chocolate & Champagne & Fast Cars & Trashy Novels & Benign Neglect & Love Buses Party
The Church of I Can't Believe It's Not Butter.
There, Osso. Now you are an insider of that particular clique.
I thought I was in a clique once. But, it turned out to just a long line at the grocery store.
On A2K, I suppose you have to have someone answer you once in a while to be considered in a clique.