Mon 15 Oct, 2007 04:51 am
This morning I sent someone a rather long, private message. I clicked "submit", and got the message that it was sent successfully. After I send a PM, I always check my Outbox, and my Sentbox. It was not there. Thankfully, I had copied it. So I sent it again, and received the message that the PM was sent successfully. I still could not find it. I figured that three times was the "charm" so I sent it again. It still does not appear in my outbox or sentbox.
Last night I had sent out some PMs without any problem.
i just sent you 2 PM's.
the first one didn't seem to send, but the 2nd one is in my outbox...
Region. I got the second one, not the first. I replied, but it did not go into my outbox.
Weird- Took another peek at my "Outbox". All three messages showed up.
I think that I am going to buy a box of Wheaties for the hamsters!
When do I get the right to send and receive PM's?
I've been here a while, and racked up some posts. I tried to subscribe, but that is offline at the moment.
Any clues?
The site does have some parameters as to when a member can begin to post PMs. For obvious reasons, what that parameter is, is not available to the general membership.
Just keep posting, and eventually you will receive PM privileges.
I just noticed something about your first post. You copied it before sending. Do you suppose this habit carries over from Abuzz? I got to the point that everything that I didn't want to rewrite, I wrote in Word, and copied to Abuzz.
Thanks Mac. PM service is now working.
Thanks to whoever for switching it on. :wink:
(Nobody switches it on. It follows an algorithm. so that the number of posts necessary is unpredictable.)
Cheers osso. My lucky number must have been 500.
Well! good to have you pm'ified.