Sun 14 Oct, 2007 04:44 pm
Still needing help to finish this one please.
192d. Medieval France's royal banner - Or?fl?mme
222d. Heart Auricles - AT?ia
243d. Censuring - ????ing - Is it Blaming?
224a. Gap between teeth - diaste??
227a. Postulated coment source - cloud - OO?t
252a. Units of luminous flux - ??m?ns
264a. Court Jester's costume - ??t?ey
Hopefully this is the end.
Hi Sweda
Checked my copy of the stinker and the submissions by CalamityJane are the same as mine.
For 264a I have "MOTLEY"
Good Luck
Ah, Motley Fool - that's right!
Dutchy, those "stinkers" are most popular with Australians, no?
Hi C/J. You are right, they are some of the hardest puzzles to crack. If you want to know a little more about them, look at, that's where 99% of the questions on these threads come from. Have a nice day.
Hi everyone
I am also doing this Stinker, nearly finished.
290d Hereabouts, I have RE??B?
with288a as GOLDERHORDE
300a as ARETE
129a as EMBER
but I can't get 290d.
Would love someone to look at it for me.
Warmest regards
Stinker No. 62
Thanks Calamity Jane and Dutchy for the replies and answers.
I'm still having trouble getting onto this site.
Are you sure there is a "R" at the beginning - it could be "nearby".
Hi tigiie
290d = nearby
288a = goldenhorde
Good Luck
Stinker 62
Hi tigiie
For 288a you need golden horde
290d nearby
other answers are correct I guess you meant 319 is ember.
Good luck with you entry
Stinker 62
Pipped at the post by Dutchy !!!
Hi Clamity Jane, Dutchy & Tuesday
Thank you for your help everyone.
I will change 228a
Warmest regards
Thanks everyone,
I do appreciate your help.
this time.