Wed 10 Oct, 2007 12:27 pm
I didn't want to take up space on the Lost and Misplaced thread, so I thought I would try to get the hang of imbedding links here.
Region tried to help, but I am one of those people who needs a step one, step two, step three guidance.
I tried the URL thing, but what I tried didn't work.
1. copy the URL you want to embed
2. click the
URL button
3. paste the URL in the prompt window, click OK
4. type in a Webpage Title (ie. My topic)
My topic
5. do a Preview to make sure you did it correctly
Ok, Region. I printed your instructions and I understand everything except #4.
for example, when you say Webpage Title, do you mean a title like:
WA2K radio in now on the air?
It worked, but I had to get rid of the word "Webpage" to make it look neater.
Think I have it now, and thanks once again, Region
good job Letty
after clicking OK the first time, it will prompt you for a title to give to the link.
so you can either type it at that point, or clean it up the way you did.
i've done it both ways -- the key is Preview'ing it...
One of these days when I'm screamingly confident and ambitious....
You are a gem, a jewel and a joy.
Well, I am okay to embed links, but I don't get the OK thing to click, therefore I can't type in a title...
Mame wrote:Well, I am okay to embed links, but I don't get the OK thing to click, therefore I can't type in a title...
you don't get these?
Mame's post
what browser are you using? (i use IE)
Letty, you are hilarious, very good photo...
Noddy, if we can do it, you can... you bet your bippy.
Perplexed for Mame, but RP will help..