Stepping into the tarbaby, briefly. Then I'm locking this topic. Not because anyone's asking me to or because of anyone's sarcasm or unChristian stuff (like that would matter one iota to me, BTW), but because I don't have the time for tarbaries. Which is exactly what topics like these are (these appeals to the general membership instead of asking the Mods directly, via the Help Desk), which is why we generally pull them immediately.
But you wanted an explanation.
Yes, we know you were being sarcastic. We are actually bright enough to have figured that one out.
Amazing, ain't it?
And the sarcasm is fine. Hell, if it wasn't, 90% of A2K would be pulled.
Did it ever occur to you that your sarcasm was
not why the original topic was pulled? Or that perhaps it was pulled without anyone reporting it? No? Well, both things are the case. But if you crave an explanation, it will not be forthcoming here. If you ask on the Help Desk, though, which is the normal channels through which we communicate with the membership, we will be happy to answer yours (or anyone else's) questions.
But we will
only (aside from rare occasions such as this) discuss moderation within the confines of the Help Desk (and, by the way, individual moderation is confidential -- if you want to ask about one specific person's suspension history, we are not going to tell you that). We cannot be looking for every single topic or post out there that screams for Moderator attention, or subtly hints at a desire for it. We're not clairvoyant and we don't have the hours in a day.
Just as an FYI, if you care at all, we read an awful lot of topics every single day, from 75k plus people. We pull a boatload of spam (Italian spam these days) and spend a lot of time trying to make it so that it never even gets here in the first place. Plus we've been fielding a number of inquiries about the transition. With the changeover to the .org extension, a lot of people needed new passwords. We did that, too. So forgive us if we don't individually rush in to explain every little nugget of what we do, or wait for every topic to turn in one direction or another.
Thank you for listening.