Ah, I've been there in autumn too. The guano memory is probably false, maybe from someplace else.
Well, now I'm on page seven of the book, and think I'm apt to like reading it. I was a little worried that all the psychology, philosophy, word play, etc., would get me down. It was helpful, though, to have read both Calvino's intro and Weaver's explanations first. On a lot of books, I read introductions or rave reviews after I've read the book. I barely even read the back cover promotions, as I like to experience the book myself before being told what is going on.
I've no idea whether or not Calvino's piece shows up in the italian edition(s) of the book. My english edition is from 1999. It would take me forever and a day to read it in italian, a lot of which I've forgotten or didn't know in the first place - especially re dialects. It turns out that some of the dialect words are showing up a little bit in the english version.

This is the 2007 edition on Amazon. It looks the same as mine.. and nice, in that it has good paper and binding, even bought used.