What BOOK are you reading right now?

Reply Sun 22 May, 2005 01:31 pm
Sophie's world and then Fifth Business.
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Reply Mon 23 May, 2005 02:42 am
Vicki G wrote:
Cool I'm reading Women Who Love Books Too Much:Bibliophiles, Bluestockings & Prolific Pens from The Algonquin Hotel to the Ya-Ya Sisterhood-Brenda Knight

I'm enjoying this very much, and am finding some women writers I need to investigate.

Now that sounds interesting, Vicki G! Name some names! Very Happy
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Reply Wed 25 May, 2005 03:42 am
im reading "a genius for war." its about general patton.pretty good.but really in-depth.anyone read it?
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Reply Fri 27 May, 2005 10:42 pm
Don Quixote. The size was intimidating, but so far so good.
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Reply Sun 29 May, 2005 10:20 am
Just read Shadow of the Giant by Orson Scott Card, just love the parallel books though i could not get into Speaker of the Dead.
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Vicki G
Reply Tue 31 May, 2005 04:54 pm
From Women Who Love Books Too Much, I have a little list of women writers to investigate: Molly Jong, Eliza Minot(both daughers of Erica Jong), Marion Zimmer Bradley writing as:Lee Chapman, John Dexter, and Morgan Ives. Then there's Kate Chopin, Meridel LeSueur,Lenore Kandel, Nadine Gordimer, Maya Angelou, Gabriele Lusser Rico, Gail Sher, Edith Wharton, Zora Neale Hurston, and Zelda Fitzgerald...

So what am I reading right now? I'm reading 10 Little Indians by Sherman Alexi... Cool
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Reply Tue 31 May, 2005 08:36 pm
I'm reading two books, both about women, though different.

One is Other Women by Evelyn Lau, which I am reading slowly and savoring, and I say that at about page eight. She has a way with words, sure, but the words make me see.

The other is Olivia by Judith Rossner. She wrote Looking for Mr Goodbar, which I read a long time ago (also saw the movie) and was affected by. I am romping through this one, quite a good read, from my point of view.
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Reply Wed 1 Jun, 2005 04:33 am
I've just read Chocolat by Joanne Harris - I'd see the film and enjoyed it but the book is better.

She has a wonderful way with words and the descriptions of the chocolate are so sensual - to make it even better I'd treated myself to some Green and Black's dark organic chocolate with a very very high cocoa content and cinnamon, nutmeg and a twist of bitter orange peel to flavour it - luscious!
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Reply Thu 2 Jun, 2005 10:32 am
Right now I'm reading Pledged: The Secret Life of Sororities by Alexandra Robbins.

Some pretty disturbing facts wended with nonfiction narrative of four sorority sisters.

Disturbing andecdote: at one school they had to replace the plumbing in one chapter's house because the acid from all the girls' vomit had eroded the pipes.

find out more at www.alexanrarobbins.com
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Reply Thu 2 Jun, 2005 12:26 pm
those 2 posts juxtaposed are not what I need to read before going out to dinner - yuk!
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Ay Sontespli
Reply Fri 3 Jun, 2005 04:36 am
I have two books on the go at the moment...nope, three:
Microserfs by Douglas Coupland .... amusing
LOTR;Return of the King .... just because; I read the other two earlier this year so figured I might as well read the whole shebang.
Tenth Insight by James Redfield .... just because I picked it up off the bookshelf the other day. I read 'Celestine Prophecy' and enjoyed it.
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Reply Sun 5 Jun, 2005 03:17 pm
On a bit of LOTR tip, I just finished The Hobbit. I'd read the LOTR trilogy last summer and also thought I should finish off the cycle by reading the prequel.

Currently reading Wuthering Heights because I'm a bit of a romantic who doesn't go for romance novels, and my friend told me it's romantic w/o being sappy.

ossobuco, I read your signature and looked Ms. Lau up on Amazon. Let me know how it goes cause I thought it looked good. :wink:
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Reply Sun 5 Jun, 2005 03:43 pm
Ok, I will, Shazzer.

I'm caught up in reading Moghul Buffet by Cheryl Benard - a murder mystery set in Peshawar....
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Reply Sun 5 Jun, 2005 06:26 pm
how is it, osso? am intrigued.
i'm reading sarroyan - a daring young man on a flying trapeze, and Naipaul - forget which one, haven't gotten into it yet.
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Reply Sun 5 Jun, 2005 07:33 pm
I'm not quite sure what I think yet... I had a wisp of displeasure at some cutting remarks early in the book, but then the remarks are very funny and the characters have the background to say them, so I gave in and am enjoying them. Not that I don't agree with the remarks, but that they are so, er, diatribe-y if you take them all together.
(I am not sure I mean this, I'm only on page 60.)
In any case, it isn't meant to be a discourse between equally reasonable characters, and I think that is only a beginning qualm on my part.
It is definitely not boring.

Anyway, I have never actually disliked any of the books I've read that were put out by Soho Press, though I have not liked all of them in entirety.

Puts me in mind of an article I read this morning about the muslim woman writer who is campaigning for women to be in mosques along with the men - will be back with a link on that.

(And, further, are you following the situation in Sri Lanka re the possible "paving" of the beach areas/relocation of population by the government after the tsunami? - to go off topic even more)
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Reply Mon 6 Jun, 2005 03:37 pm
Currently reading The Sparrow by Mary Doria Russell and have ordered 2 new ones, Templars in America by Tim Wallace-Murphy and Marilyn Hopkins and The Church of Mary Magdalene by Jean Markale. Early Christianity is intriguing right now and I'm amazed at the books I'm finding on the subject.
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Vicki G
Reply Tue 7 Jun, 2005 06:07 am
The Bear Went Over The Mountain-William Kotzwinkle
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Reply Thu 9 Jun, 2005 07:59 pm
I just finished Greg Bear's Moving Mars - cool book.
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Reply Thu 9 Jun, 2005 10:30 pm
I just finished Moghul Buffet, and nod yes to Dagmaraka, that she might read it.

Ostensibly a set piece of mispecerptions re solving a mystery, it unfolds a landscape of multiple goings on...

while the book semi-irritated me, I kept learning...
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Reply Thu 9 Jun, 2005 10:32 pm
Alternately, while I am bored with my own thoughts on it, I'd be very interested re Dag's take, if she reads it.

(Just ask, I'll mail my copy, D.) Though your local store prolly has it.
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