Fuhblungit " I LOVE THAT WORD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That Bethie should talk with her hands already! HA! If I wag my finger it would be at the wrong person too!
Ohhhhh.. . Cav was here.
Boida " you had a blackout! What, you should need power to communicate?
Does Deb still have magnetic knees?
Zen Judaism.... Howie’s call...Montreal bagels...As Time Goes By... Lizzie's cafeteria...Merry and his Marlins... boips and grepses...chicken soup... Kitchenpete made me laugh...Jes’s Baba's potato knishes... Yahrtzeit glass....
These have gotta be my faves...
Roberta wrote:
A poysin could faint from embarrassment with this hebonics business. Foist I repeat myself. Then I don't know what plotz means. Next thing you know I'll find out that my family wasn't Jewish.
Phoenix32890 wrote:
You see what happened when I started writing on this farcockte thread? I can't stop!!! I think that my brain is turning into gefilte fish!
dlowan wrote:
Enough you haven't heard already? Again I must bump my gums together?
Roberta wrote:
Yes, I'm rambling. Sometimes a goil's gotta ramble. So shoot me. A person can't ramble? This is a tough crowd.
The waves roll in, the waves roll out.... that oughta be a sig line!