Roberta wrote:msolga, bubbele, I have no idea where you get a latke, other than in someone's home. When I want a latke, I get out the grater, potatoes, onion, egg, and matzo meal. I grate, I mix, I fry. I eat--with a bissel sour cream.
I've sometimes eaten latkes that have a slightly "more interesting" taste. There must be an additonal ingredient I don't know about. But the ones I make are fine.
So Olgale, start grating already.
But I must tell you this, Roberta! My mother has actually
made latkes! And I have actually eaten them!

I had no idea till I perused the recipes that Phoenix posted (Very funny, BTW, Phoenix!

) & read the latkes recipe. And discovered they were identical to goodies I'd eaten at home! Now I actually know what the little blighters actually
are, too! I guess it's not surprising when I think about it - lots of over-lap between Ukrainian/Eastern European food & Jewish food. You say it's Jewish, we say it's Ukrainian. (Do you think we should have a fierce dispute about this? :wink: )