The errrrrr hebonics-speaking community of Montreal is famous/infamous
**** 119,000 google hits ****. The food is to-die-for, the mah-jong circles deadly with the gossip, and the mamas relentless in their search for the perfect match for their Karen/David/Rachel/John and Emma.
Roberta- Do you remember the "nickel pickle"? It cost 5 cents, it came out of a huge barrel, and was so sour that it puckered your mouth.
For this I would go back to Brooklyn.
In Florida they don't know from pickles, Phoenix???
But Florida has the most delicious fresh orange juice. I remember driving through, long ago, and stopping at the roadside juice stands 'All you can drink -- 10 cents'! After a couple of stops, I realized that 'all I could drink' had definite limits.
Seattle friend
Phoenix, for such a pickle I too would schlep to Brooklyn. They're mighty hard to find these days. I had a perfect sour pickle about two years ago. It was in an orthodox-mideastern restaurant on the west side. Do I remember the name of the place? Of course not. I'd go back just for the pickle.
Andy, I've had sour pickles in Miami Beach. They ain't bad, but they ain't what Phoenix is referring to.
Jeanne, We're talking pickles; you're talking orange juice? Well...okay. Orange juice is good for you. I once asked in Weight Watchers if pickles were considered a vegetable. I don't remember the answer I got, because the answer didn't matter. I'm gonna eat a pickle every now and then. Period. The end.
Pickles? Once upon a time

, ketsup was considered a vegetable.
Roger, What do you mean "Once upon a time"? Ketchup isn't a vegetable? Since when?
Since now - oy veh! This red stuff you are trying to make a vegetable! A cholera on ketchup - the vegetable!
Next time you're in Farmington, we'll do lunch.
In Farmington they have REAL vegetables?
Roberta: don't you remember? The Reagan administration tried to get ketchup listed as a vegetable for the federal school lunch program, they should burn in hell. It was a big uproar, it was it was. People saying "This is a vegetable? Oy. Maybe something cooked by my daughter in law might be, but this is some kind of sauce, nu?
Oh ohmig-d, you and the pickle stories! On a hot day we would into Klein's and get a pickle for a nickle. A big one. So cool and sour and fresh! Then it was back to finishing the paper route.
Does the jewelry district in NYC still have good glatt-kosher eateries? Best pickle I ever had was there. Ever.
So ketchup isn't a veggie. Can't blame a goil for trying. Did you eat your veggies? Sure. (Ketchup on the French fries=2, and sauerkraut on the hotdog=1. And a sour pickle. Total 4) Gimme a break here with the veggies.
Joe, I didn't recall the Reagan administration's efforts to classify ketchup as a vegetable. Thanks for filling me in. As for the nickel pickle, they were poifect. A mechiah. My friend's father was the pickle guy. He'd give me a little one for free. Uh oh. My mouth is beginning to water.
ehBeth, I used to work in that neighborhood (Rockefeller Center). There was only one glatt kosher place and can recall, diagonally across from the diamond street. Don't remember the pickles, though. There were two delis on the street--Bergers and one other. Bergers had decent pickles.
Oy, I'm hungry. And I could sure go for a pickle. My veggie for the day.
Joe is right re the Reagan Administration wanting to list ketchup as a veggy. Go figure...
I also recall pickle barrels. Perhaps we can think of them as precursors of the salad bar.
Roberta - we liked to go to a little place, upstairs, a long time ago (30 years). I'm with you on ketchup, sauerkraut and pickles being veggies. Some days they're my favourite veggies.
D'art, Precursors to salad bars? LOL. Who knew that Sammy the pickle guy was in the avant garde?
Re pickles: I remembered a few lines from an old song:
My ma gave me a nickel
To buy a pickle.
I didn't buy the pickle.
I bought some chewing gum.
Chew, chew, chew, chew, chewing gum.
ehBeth, Aha, an upstairs glatt kosher place is possible. Never ate upstairs in the diamond disctrict. Sorry I missed out on a chance for a good pickle.
Roberta- Wudja believe that I remember the tune to that song? Oy vay, you think maybe I am an alte kaker!
OK, I give up. What does 'alte kaker' mean? Couldn't find it in google.
Altar cake, as in wedding cake? No, doens't go with the sentence.
Altered cracker, as in animal cracker? For Phoenix, this is a possiblity.
Old? Maybe, since she is talking about old memories, but what does kaker mean? Grandmother? Generic old lady? Nah, Phoenix is anything but generic.