Congrats Mapleleaf - on some HARD ONES.
Reading for hours.... finally,
Author 10 of ten:
1st ok i have told this story on abuzz. my sig. other's dog killed my cat. my cat was 9 years old at the time. this nasty bitch (sorry it is appropriate--she is female) was only in the family about 2 years.
there was a field mouse in the house. a field mouse if you don't know is a very tiny mouse. for several nites my cat was hunting it. well one nite he almost got it but knocked something down. the noise startled the dog. so the dog came running and took a chunk at the first think she saw.
this dog did not mangle the cat. just that one bite. but she punctured soemthing inside my babie and she died that nite.
the vet says it was an accident. i still say if that dog wasn't so dominant it would never have happened.
my sig. other and me do not live together. but he has a big yard. now i have another cat but she lives with me. she can't go outside tho due to the busy road.
her name is Cher. she is a dream. smart, feisty, pretty. Cher would be honored to know that this beauty is named after her.
sorry for the downer but it is a true story. and i DO have a great cat. i have had Cher for a little over a year now.
Good afternoon, Mapleleaf,
I came on a little while ago, happy to see the site becoming more usable. I read your newest clue, and sympathized with the loser of the cat.
Then-- I knew this would be in Pets and Garden. Quite simply, I decided to try Msolga's "Cat room" topic first- and did not have to read but five or six short pages and there it is:
This has been fun. Goodby.
Congrats mac11 on finally getting my post.
I am glad it was you.
This concludes the activity.
WINNERS FROM PAGE 4: Eva, jackie, littlek, mac11, Margo, Sofia, sozobe,
THE TOTAL WINNERS FROM THE ORIGINAL WHO POSTED THIS AND PAGES 1, 2, 3 AND 4 ARE: Acquiunk, BillW, Bi-Polar Bear, Charli, dlowan, ehBeth, Eva, fishin', Gautam, hiama, hugefan, jackie, jespah, JLNobody, littlek, mac11 ,Margo ,Montana, patiodog, PDiddie, pueo, Rae, Raggedyaggie, Roberta, Setanta, Sofia, sozobe, Swimpy, Quinn1, Wilso (Total = 30)
If I have left you out of the winners, please PM me.
It is indeed a fun game...
Now where is my prize ?
I am still collecting author's permission to use their quotes. Insert an eight day trip. Consequently, I will post p.5 of WHO POSTED THIS on September 5th or 6th.
Thanks, mapleleaf, I'm looking forward to the challenge!
I have the required quotes...Wednesday we begin our vacation...I should be back September 5 ?????? So sometime Friday...p.5.