Frank Apisa wrote:
In any case: CerealKiller, question:
Why do you limit the Christian stuff to what is in the New Testament. None of the New Testament makes any sense at all -- if the Old Testament has any faults. Right?
Not exactly clear on what you're asking me, however my view was as stated based upon what Jesus himself taught and instructed so as to avoid being hypocritical about what I see as a great code of ethics/morals/behavior/thinking, etc. He emphasized the "do's" not the "do nots" (like more judgmental/Old Testament theological interpretations).
Actually living up to such high standards is impossible, but the idea is to try, being mindful that we are "all sinners" in religious terms, or that we are none of capable of perfection in secular terms. I think some adherents and dogmas within Christianity, and all religions for that matter can be the epitomy of hypocrisy.
Regarding reform in the Roman Catholic Church. It would seem to me that the following need to occur:
1) Priests must be allowed to marry.
2) Women priests must be allowed.
3) Artificial birth control, excluding abortion, should be permissible.
The above doctrines have little to no solid foundation in scripture. They are essentially Church dogma and nothing else, in my view, and many others within the Church itself.
As far as homosexuality is concerned, again, there are references in the Old Testament and by Saul of Tarsus, or Paul, and Timothy, however, Jesus himself made no reference and there are none within the books of Matthew, Mark or Luke. Conservative thought is that it is all the word of God, however, Jesus himself nullified all of the Old Testament except for the Ten Commandments. Others commented subsequently, but I think it is crystal clear that Jesus' message was one of tolerance and respect for human dignity.
I don't find that prohibition well supported from a theological standpoint either and thus, all Christians should be mindful of that and reform accordingly, including the Roman Catholic Church.
Until the current Pope leaves this life, none of it will occur.