if you came here looking for me to say atheists are wrong, or i don't like them, don't bother- i think atheists are great, i used to be one, i decided that agnosticism was more logical.
i don't have a monopoly on logic, it's a complex thing, so i wouldn't say for certain that agnosticism is more logical than atheism, but it seems that way to me. and even if agnosticism is more logical, there are good things that benefit mankind about a belief in no god (strong atheism) or a lack of a belief in god (weak atheism, where atheism sort of bleeds into agnosticism)
(however technically i think you can be agnostic and believe it's impossible to know if god exists, and decide to believe in god anyway. this would be a theist agnostic, but i've only heard of such a thing once, and the person might have been joking.)
but when i talk about atheists, i'm usually talking about strong atheists that firmly believe (and preach!) that there is no god.
again, this is a perfectly acceptable belief to me. there have been many strong atheists in my life who had a profound impact on my thinking, and i'm grateful. atheists have something to offer any world that values thought, hopefully this one does.
and i grew up strong atheist, i wasn't pushed into it, i was raised with the knowledge that i would be accepted regardless of what i believed, my family never talked about religion or atheism, we had bibles and science books in the house, i lived in a city where jesus is quite a big deal indeed, and yet for my first years i firmly believed this "god thing" was the most ridiculous thing i ever heard. believe me, i can relate.
it's not atheism that bothers me. another thing that doesn't bother me is christianity. christianity seems okay to me. so does judaism. so does buddhism. when islam is living up to its name, i think that's fine too.
what bothers me is when people believe something with such zeal that they forget that other people have access to logic and "god" as well. obviously "god" has to be put in quotes here, but i wasn't only talking about atheists when i mentioned it.
logic really is a complex thing. i mean on one level, things work in real black and white. nice boolean logic. "if p then q." but one of those letters is context, and if you change the context, the conclusion is subject to change as well.
atheists and theists work in a very different context, and i try to work in both. to me it's possible to say:
Quote:if p AND you're operating from an atheist perspective then q = "there is no god"
if p AND you're operating from a theist perspective then q = "there is a god"
p is a realm of black and white logic, and perspective is whether you choose to count or discount everything we don't know. you notice that whether you believe in god or not, the actual ontology remains open for both equations.
i don't know how shaky or solid this thinking is, but i firmly believe that it's possible for there to both be a god and for there to be no god. in short, i am completely confident that atheists and theists CAN both be right.
that's not the problem either. basically i agree with atheists on the subject of arrogant christians. i don't like them either. christians should know better than to get puffed up in their beliefs, wearing them like a badge that makes them superior to non-christians. i know lots of christians that don't do this. i know lots of atheists that don't do it either.
my problem is when atheists do it. (or when christians do.) i really hate this. your beliefs alone don't make you better than other people, your logic alone doesn't make you better than other people. i really don't think being able to grasp something as basic as there is a god or something as basic as there is no god something to brag about anyway.
any child can do that.
and who says grownups are smarter than children for that matter? usually, adults have more experience, but haven't you ever met an adult that you're absolutely certain has none?
we all have shortcomings, in personal integrity (hopefully very few) and in logic. i'm not a christian, but i wish there was a "let he who is without sin cast the first stone."
let he who is right about everything cast the first stone, i guess that's what i'm really trying to say. and believe me, i never had perfect marks, not with god, nor in philosophy. but we all have to do what we can, it doesn't mean we can't do it together.
thanks for taking a moment out, and godless secular blessings to you all.