Sun 9 Sep, 2007 09:22 pm
This is undoubtedly not funny, really, but I can't help it, it's funny...,1518,501145,00.html
REALLY? Not REALLY? I am not sure what to think. I am shocked that they are upset with the moose for emitting is a natural thing. Are they going to start injecting them with antacids to cure the gas epidemic? Maybe they should just plant more trees there...
What a problem...unbelievable!
That's wonderful news for the manufacturers of Gas-B-Gone pills. They are stepping up production by 300%
Or Bean-O....
I know our cattle industry has been problematic re production of excremental product, and other trepidations re treading, but really, this is like blaming trees for our environmental problems. Nature had a certain homeostasis before we got to fooling with it, however that worked out over the ages.
I don't have any answers, but I don't blame a moose.
i'm afraid that's the only remaining choice:
Which, of course, brings up Woody Allen and the moose story...
I'll be very impressed if you can tell the whole story, osso...
Ok, ok, I'll look it up. I remember it as one of the first comedy skits I laughed myself silly over. But, with that introduction, especially since when I heard it was years ago, you'll probably just murmur.
Hang on, I'll be back.
This is the first link I saw - authentic or way off, the grammar is off, seems like an iffy translation, but what do I know. But, this might be right, re the performance. Anyway,
Surely that is not just the right site!
I'm off trying to remember. I think I saw Woody do this on tv, which is among the many reasons I know the language in the quote is incorrect, even in old memory.
But, hey, it adds complexity to show this sort of translational link.
P'dog, I could never just tell that. I am famous to myself for not remembering even the simplest of jokes. I have looked at joke telling friends as if at martians. Or, martinis.
But, I'll look now past the first google link, and see what I can find, that with the mauled names...
i think the link was right, there was a funny story bout a moose there by woody allen at least.
True, but not any exact quote of Allen, who doesn't flub on these matters.
I'll chase a better link, but I'm in a rest phase now.
Man, I was so disappointed that there was no video!
Ah, here it is....
(had this on tape in the car back when i had a car with a tape player)