it's good you're at work,,,you're safe there.
i'm still at work too.
one more hour to go, and it's been pouring rain all day.
Almost finished work, Deb!
Now you can really start to celebrate!
I'm toasting your birthday right now, with a glass of dry white .... Here's to you!
It's not every day Ms Deb celebrates her birthday! 
Thankee Msolga et al! Just home - hope you enjoyed the white - I am having scotch.
I fear I am in grumpy denial of this whole goddamned birthday thing!!!!!
Invite me, Margo! Invite me!!!!!
In India we say
Jab hai saath main whiskey,
Tab jaroorat padeki kiski ??
When you have whiskey with you,
You don't need anyone else...
Happy b'day once again D, and we want to know all the details of how you celebrated this day - and I do mean ALL !!
hi ho hi ho it's home from work we go......................................
except I'm retired
hi Kara, I'm keeping a vague grip on reality and a few trips into fantasyland. how are you ?
good wishes for your birthday and many more.
Well, I want to know all the juicy details...was your birthday marked appropriately? like with a bubble bath and glass of something or other like in past years? Chocolate? More scotch. I want details, woman!
Celebrations later, Sumac. I am too stuffed on work nights. Oh - except friends took me to lunch last Sunday.
Saturday night a friend is supposed to be arranging a dinner - but I haven't heard anything yet - so I am not sure - she is a politician who has been handling bushfires in several of her portfolios, so she may not have had time - if not, that will happen later - I am not fussed - I have been a bit illish again, so a rest will be fine - then, tomorrow, work does its thing - cake, card and lunch - Sunday night off to drink wine on the beach, and then have dinner at a restaurant with another group of friends - another friend is organizing dinner in the next couple of weeks with yet another group - and I will have drinks/party at my place in the next month or so - I am in denial about the whole birthday thing, so I need a bit of time to deal with the party thing.......and I like celebrating over a couple of weeks.
The celebratory birthday month! I like it!!
jjorge*197982* wrote:Gautam wrote:In India we say
Jab hai saath main whiskey,
Tab jaroorat padeki kiski ??
When you have whiskey with you,
You don't need anyone else...
LOVE that saying!!
Mee too !! I do that frequently, sitting on the floor in front of a roaring fire (okay okay it is just a gas fire, but the charcoal or whatever it is, does turn white with heat), gazals (urdu poetry) on my stereo and single malt...
Ahhhh heaven
All the American and Canadian women pilots who ferried their own, and other planes, across the Atlantic during WWII?
GlennMiller (whom am listening to right now)? English Channel and WWII?
Huh? Misposted perhaps, sumac?

Gautam, one day I must learn how to pronounce that phrase properly. Are you sure you are not Irish?
Not misposted. Put here on purpose. Some of us should remember, although not Deb.
OK, I have no idea what you're talking about, but along those lines, my aunt was one of those pilots. Always ticked off my Dad, who was a B17 pilot, when she'd show up at his base with some new fighter. She liked to show off.