Exciting -

now I understand the drinking
Cmon, I am certain the bunny looks nothing like Homer Simpson, except in the morning, after a long booze-fest.
Oh, I thought you had discovered the secret of who the bunny was hung over
To be honest, I am a Simpson's fan, and there was a Homer quote to the effect of "Alcohol, the cause and solution of all life's problems." Any secrets are safe with me, if I even know anything, which is unlikely.
And LOL!
Folks - can we move the chat back to a digression?
It was very lovely of Margo to open this thread, and people to post on it - and frankly I need all the support I can get about this birthday - but I think we kind of decided not to have individual birthday threads here, cos of some people getting them and some not and all that stuff, and move all this to the general birth month threads - so it is probably good overall if this thread disappears pretty quickly from sight.
I shall take it out and look at it when the birthday blues get me too badly!
(Better than buying a red sports car and taking me necklines down to me navel!)
Birth month thread!! YAY!! Mine is next month, September 16th.
The bunny digression, what a concept!!!!!!!!!!! Believe God did that already.
Cav, mine's the 12th. So you are a...Virgo...huh?
It's not as bad as it sounds Kara :cool:
We Virgos need to stick together. We do know everything after all...
Hmmm. Odd. Cav shares a birthday with the gf. Now I won't ever forget his birthday, provided I always remember hers. tap tap tap.
Mine's December 8th! General reminder and announcement and so forth.
I'm home from work today. Sick. Blah.
Managed to successfully eat a soft-boiled egg, a piece of baguette, and drink some water today. Very proud of this accomplishment.
Maybe I'll try some tea in a little bit.
Hmm...my horoscope post for marycat seems to have disappeared, but whatever. I wish you well, and good health! Double Virgo, pd, that birthday (whoa, I'm speaking Hebonics again)...as a dude, I don't care if anyone remembers my birthday, but the Virgo wimmins....yep, write it down.
Um, isn't it Hung Over Whom?