{Trying to remember everyone from the cafe crowd....}
Neat, some new folks are checking in...
Quote:I am a middle-aged woman (late 40s) living in Tulsa, Oklahoma. I have my own public relations business serving a variety of clients, both local and national. I have an extensive background in print, handling both design and editorial services.
I am also the assistant director of a non-profit organization that recruits family educators and professionals in mental health and takes them overseas to areas where their services are not readily available.
This should do it...think...think...
Quote:About the username: "_ _ _" was the name of an aunt, my father's sister, who died shortly before I was born. My father always said there was an uncanny resemblance between us. It's quite obvious in photos. "_ _ _" wasn't actually her given name...she chose it...had it changed legally as soon as she came of age. So I thought it would be appropriate if I chose that name, too.
The saints preserve us...
Author 6 of ten:
Quote:I agree as well. I just helped my boss pull out a little (really little) blue fir in her yard and I apologized to the thing the whole time. I keep telling my landlady to keep the huge zelkova(?) on our lot - she wants to cut it down. In________, you need to get permission to cut down trees.
just dropped by 2 watch 4a while; can anyone guess, or must u b registered 4 the thread?
i'm either not as familiar with people's backgrounds, or not 2 bright;
easy choice there!
hmmm up on2 the wall...........
Anyone can guess, BoGo. The more the merrier!
(the giveaway is permission to cut trees in BOSTON.)
Ha ha ha! Gautam, thank God! I was beginning to think I had made absolutely no impression on anyone here! Clearly, I will have to try harder! LOL
(To assuage Eva)
One of your quotes featured Visitor, so I cancelled you and your former moniker out. Bet I'm not the only one.
Mapleleaf is tricky!