Fri 27 Jul, 2007 01:35 pm
The Mark of Mahmoud Abbas
What is the Mark of the Beast? If it were to happen today could you identify it? If you could identify it what good would it do? Would the knowledge of the Mark make a believer out of an atheist? I think it all comes down to faith. Some people are supposed to see while others are not, no matter what proof is given. So what is the main purpose for studying prophecy and looking for the Mark of the Beast? I believe that purpose is to show who God really is and expose a false religion. Islam is that false religion. It has drawn one third of the world's population to a false God and is ready to destroy the world in defense of it. There are other false religions in the world but none as violent as Islam. Islam is at war with all peoples; Jews, Christians, Hindus, Atheists, you name it, and even other Muslims.
This letter was born out of a question by an astute reader. It was very thought provoking and led me to another answer I was looking for. Its timing couldn't have been better. As it is with most knowledge, a question has to be asked before an answer can be found. So here is the question.
Could you explain how the dipping of fingers into ink when voting is consistent with the mark of the beast? It seems to me that people are pressured into getting the mark of the beast in revelations because without it they can't get the necessities of life.
This question is in regards to my belief that the Mark of the Beast was given to the Palestinian people during their Presidential Election on January 9, 2005. This Mark was applied to their right thumb and prevented an individual from double voting. It was supposed to last for about 48 hours. On the surface it would seem that a mark on the right hand with indelible ink is nothing more than its purpose, to prevent double voting. On the other hand, what if you just voted for the beast and were unaware of it. The mark of the beast can be three things: his mark, his number or his Name. Christianity likes to blend two of these ideas together and say that the Mark is the number 666 inscribed. This is just one example there are many others.
Did this mark directly cause the people to be able to buy and sell? The words in Revelation 13:16 provide a good clue. He caused all, both small and great, rich and poor, or free and bond to receive this mark. Why would someone who is great, rich and free need to get any sort of mark in order to buy anything? A person in high esteem with lots of money (maybe a government official) needs no permission to buy anything, he does as he pleases. The opposite of that is what gets my attention more. If a man is small, poor and in jail why would he need to get a mark? If he is in jail he would have relatively no need for money as he would be getting his food and shelter from his jailors. The short answer is that the mark was given to all even those in jail who voted in the Palestinian Presidential Elections. This mark identifies the second beast and was only indirectly involved in their ability to buy and sell.
The situation that caused a lack of funds in the PA government was due to the Election of Hamas as ruling party a year later. Since no western government was providing aid to the Palestinians it became apparent that the PA government would slide into anarchy and collapse. Therefore, a temporary mechanism was created by the international community to allow money to be given to essential PA institutions while bypassing the Hamas Government. All money going to these essential humanitarian institutions will be distributed through the office of the President, Mahmoud Abbas. Now, through the name of one man, the people are able to buy and sell namely because many will be receiving salaries. Now you have two items which identify the beast, a mark which was given when he was elected and his name which will allow funds to be given. There is only one other thing that can identify him and that is his number. That number is 666.
Gematria is the most common way scholars use to find his identity. A system that applies a number value to letters to see if an individuals name will come to the sum of 666. One guess is as good as another in this system and many people's names add up to 666. Any answer would just be a guess and provide relatively little proof to back it up, therefore I never devoted much time to this theory.
In my search I was more concerned with how and why and when Mahmoud Abbas was going to bring about his peoples ability to buy and sell. That answer came with the election of Hamas. Hamas was the reason why the PA had a lack of funds. The international community, through a temporary mechanism sponsored by the Quartet, was how they were going to get the funds. The last thing is the most surprising. The Quartet (US, UN, EU and Russia) agreed on this international mechanism to fund the PA on June 16, 2006 on a Friday. This happened on the sixth day of the week in the sixth month on the sixteenth day in the year 2006. It seems the event I was looking for happened on a 666 day, one of only three in the whole year. I think most people were more concerned with June 6, 2006.
Remember, the mark of the beast can be three things: his mark, his number or his Name. All three of these items point to the second beast. They describe him as an adjective does a noun. It is how they are interpreted that either blinds us or lets us see. Therefore, what I have done is link the number 666 to his name instead of the number to the mark. It was a coincidence that this find ever happened. I wasn't looking in this direction when it found me. I was following the money.
I would be remiss if I didn't mention one more thing.
I usually don't make too many predictions and only write about events after the fact, but here goes. Since writing this letter and pondering the situation in Israel, I have thought of another possibility for the Mark. Any referendum held by the PA that advances policy allowing the international community to provide international aid to the PA would qualify. It would qualify as long as a Mark is applied to the hands or forehead and is given to all Palestinians just as mentioned in my remarks on Revelation 13:16.
In summary, Jesus is Lord and he is coming soon.
The Watchman of Ephraim Hosea 9:8
Welcome to the forum, ephraim. I'm sure you will find much spirited and intellectually stimulating debate here.
Few will take seriously a Cut and com Post, however.
Actually, i did a search on this, and only came up with an exact word for word match of the first three sentences at another bulletin board, where a member calling him-/herself Ephraim*** (where the * is a number) had posted it. So, if this is not original work, then Ephraim must have laboriously copied it from a print source and then posted it there, and then copied and pasted it here.
It is, therefore, possible that this joker is the author of this screed. To which i say: So what? It's drivel whether it's original or copied.
Setanta wrote:Actually, i did a search on this, and only came up with an exact word for word match of the first three sentences at another bulletin board, where a member calling him-/herself Ephraim*** (where the * is a number) had posted it. So, if this is not original work, then Ephraim must have laboriously copied it from a print source and then posted it there, and then copied and pasted it here.
It is, therefore, possible that this joker is the author of this screed. To which i say: So what? It's drivel whether it's original or copied.
Be assured this is my writing. I am its author. Ephraim
Well, yeah, as i said it is still drivel.
neologist wrote:Welcome to the forum, ephraim. I'm sure you will find much spirited and intellectually stimulating debate here.
Few will take seriously a Cut and com Post, however.
This article took many years of observation and research.
It's a shame if you are right. Ephraim
It's a shame if you are right. Ephraim
When we put information in our own words it has a more "heart to heart" or "mind to mind" touch to it. Try putting it in your own words and see what happens. You may generate more discussion.
the PA government was due to the Election of Hamas
Consider taking your discussion beyond middle east politics. To stay focused on the middle east is to miss the big picture. (2 Corinthians 4:4; Revelation 12:9 and Daniel 2:44) Let me know what you think!
Re: It's a shame if you are right. Ephraim
hankarin wrote:When we put information in our own words it has a more "heart to heart" or "mind to mind" touch to it. Try putting it in your own words and see what happens. You may generate more discussion.
These are my own words hankarin. They don't make sense to anyone
because most people are too busy to read the Bible. They are even
less concerned with trying to understand it. These are certainly two
separate items. On does not necessarily lead to the other. Ephraim
Far too recondite for me ephriam, and esoteric to the point of obfuscation. Could you give us words comprehensible to someone ignorant, say someone from New Jersey?
ephraim wrote:
In summary, Jesus is Lord and he is coming soon.
good hope he tells you to shut up
Now that was not polite. :wink:
I tempered my initial response
ephraim wrote:
In summary, Jesus is Lord and he is coming soon.
Whats white and shoots across the sky? - The Coming of the Lord
Whats white and shoots after it ? - The 2nd coming
Sorry couldn't resist.....
Hope Jesus is coming soon, cause I am getting well p*ssed of waiting, he owes me a pint and a pack of cigs from last time he came......
Re: the PA government was due to the Election of Hamas
hankarin wrote:Consider taking your discussion beyond middle east politics. To stay focused on the middle east is to miss the big picture. (2 Corinthians 4:4; Revelation 12:9 and Daniel 2:44) Let me know what you think!
It is precisely the Middle East that is being talked about.
Only after the following questions are answered can it be
known what is meant by 666.
1. Which people are being discussed?
2. Why is there a need for money, or what caused them to
have a lack of funds?
3. When the first two questions are answered then the most
important can be asked. Who is the individual that will cause
the people to receive those needed funds?
4. Also, who are those being prevented from obtaining funds
because they have not received the Mark?
June, 16 2006 (666) was the date the Temporary International
Mechanism was established which allowed the aid to reach
Palestinians while bypassing the Hamas led Government. Ephraim
Quote:Gematria is the most common way scholars use to find his identity. A system that applies a number value to letters to see if an individuals name will come to the sum of 666. One guess is as good as another in this system and many people's names add up to 666. Any answer would just be a guess and provide relatively little proof to back it up, therefore I never devoted much time to this theory.
Quote:In my search I was more concerned with how and why and when Mahmoud Abbas was going to bring about his peoples ability to buy and sell. That answer came with the election of Hamas. Hamas was the reason why the PA had a lack of funds. The international community, through a temporary mechanism sponsored by the Quartet, was how they were going to get the funds. The last thing is the most surprising. The Quartet (US, UN, EU and Russia) agreed on this international mechanism to fund the PA on June 16, 2006 on a Friday. This happened on the sixth day of the week in the sixth month on the sixteenth day in the year 2006. It seems the event I was looking for happened on a 666 day, one of only three in the whole year. I think most people were more concerned with June 6, 2006.
This is in error. The number 666 is the number of a man :
By the way, as a matter of perhaps coincidence, are you aware the Popes official title, in Roman, adds up to 666? The Roman alphabet also had numerical values.
Apparently (though I have never verified this), so do Ancient Greek and Hebrew (well the languages around Jesus times, I don't know if they are classed as ancient), and it apparently also adds up to 666 in those languages...though who knows, the author of the book I read may have just made that bit up.
neologist wrote:Far too recondite for me ephriam, and esoteric to the point of obfuscation. Could you give us words comprehensible to someone ignorant, say someone from New Jersey?
I consider you to be a learned fellow, as I think we all do... Please don't cheapen yourself by taking cheap shots at the state of my kith and kin,
and also the breeding ground for such luminaries as Frank Sinatra, Grover Cleveland, Daddy Grace, and Reverend Weehawken.
vikorr wrote:
Quote:This is in error. The number 666 is the number of a man :
That's what I said. It refers to a specific man. No one else.
Without him funds would not have been given to pay his
people's salaries. WOEphraim
Quote:That's what I said. It refers to a specific man. No one else
No, it is not 'specific to a man', it is the number of a man.
If you want to follow biblical prophesy, it cannot be the number of a day, as you are trying to make it.