Sharp Eyes Needed (for gospel readers)

Reply Fri 20 Jul, 2007 06:41 pm
Remember "I and my Father are one"? Well re-read this and tell me who knows now:

"But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only."

^^^The Son of Man and the Father are one so this means the Son does know that day and hour.

And if the Son knows then his angels will know since he can command the dead energy with life living in it. And if his non-living angels can know then man will be made to know. Everything you see is all of the Son of man--like a flash shown from here to there--except the eternal astral beings and eternal space--this is why the Son of Man is lifted up. Either way you will know when heaven and earth pass away and/or when you yourself pass away as it occurs. But will you know ahead of time when heaven and earth will pass away and/or when you yourself will pass away? I say yes! You'd be notified by the Son of Man. Ever had a premonition? I had of getting shot up when driving down a street one time and then at the stop light the window got hit by something because it made a noise and it started cracking around this hole that was created. There was no bullet I could find in the car. There was no exit hole either. Hell, come to think of it, it's almost as if if it was a bullet it must have just disappeared as it hit by a higher power. You never know. And some say 2pac predicted his own death. There are mysteries in this world that will come to light.

What state you though?

It dont get better than me finding these findings. Check it out:

"All that belongs to the Father is mine. That is why I said the Spirit will receive from me what he will make known to you."

^^^ That means all the knowledge on the day and hour is the Son's. Wow, I was right in what I said in the main topic. Man will definitly be made to know that day and hour by the Son of Man through the Spirit (energy of the Son of Man's)! So be sharp with your keen mental senses!!! Be glad for it is probable to figure out that day and hour heaven and earth will pass away before it occurs.
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Type: Discussion • Score: 1 • Views: 560 • Replies: 1
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Reply Sat 21 Jul, 2007 07:59 am
I think the busma just passed the stopma and forgot to pick up passengers.


And I think it just ran over your dogma.
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