I don't plan on being on the site much myself bigred.
Just driving by and saying hello to everybody, have a nice day.
Mysteries are there to overcome folks.
Not all mysteries can be overcome.
Tell me one which baffles you!
That's not a mystery, that's the unknown! A mystery is an event or situation that is difficult to understand or explained.
To me the future is a mystery.
I'm having a beer tomorrow at the football, tghat's no mystery to me.
Good day TTH. Popped in to say they have some tall ships arriving in my area. I saw one yesterday. Gorgeous.
They will be here next week. I already went to training and picked up my uniform. I am going to be stationed on the 11th street bridge as security and dispatch.
Some ships that arrive today: The "Madeline" a reconstruction of a mid nineteenth century Great Lakes schooner, and one of the state of Michigans official tall ships.
The U.S. Brig "Niagara". Built in Nineteen eighty eight, a reconstuction of a warship aboard which Com. Oliver Hazard Perry won the battle of Lake Erie in eighteen thirteen. during the War of Eighteen Twelve.
The "Pride of Baltimore". the worlds only existing replica of an eighteen twelve era Baltimore Clipper topsail schooner.
I wish they came here more often.
I look forward to seeing this one:
This is the Eagle:

I think it is 350 ft long.
alex240101 wrote:Some ships that arrive today: The "Madeline" a reconstruction of a mid nineteenth century Great Lakes schooner, and one of the state of Michigans official tall ships.
The U.S. Brig "Niagara". Built in Nineteen eighty eight, a reconstuction of a warship aboard which Com. Oliver Hazard Perry won the battle of Lake Erie in eighteen thirteen. during the War of Eighteen Twelve.
The "Pride of Baltimore". the worlds only existing replica of an eighteen twelve era Baltimore Clipper topsail schooner.
I wish they came here more often.
Take pictures if you can. See you all later, so bye
Post one of the "Yabber-Liner" TTH.