Hi there unclelarry, not much action buddy, TTH must be still asleep.
Sleep, me? right okay

Dutchy wrote:Perhaps you should convey your preferences to your in-laws and can forget get bringing your own sandwiches.
Uh I did about 23 years ago. I used to go to micky D's, but they are now closed on X-mas day.
Mornin' Dutchy and TTH.
You fell asleep at McDonalds on Christmas day? Oh you poor waif. :wink:
Morning skuncle
You are in a funny mood today
I let you two play on, Dutchy is off to dreamland. Good night folks.
Night Dutchy, can't stay & play very much today. Things to do....
G'night Dutchy.
Morning TTH, how have you been?
Morning gang. Chat with you all later. busy with getting ahold of a veterinary cardiologist.
skuncle I am hanging in there. How about you?
bigred hoping everything turns out okay.
Thanks ya'll have a good day. :wink:
You too and I still wuv you (just not telling my spouse)

Hi ya Red...Bye Red. I swear that boy moves faster than Roadrunner.
Beep, Beep......
I like this type of road runner
Now that's sweet...excuse me while I wipe the drool off the sreen.
Ya, the older muscle cars are just unique
unclelarry wrote:Hi ya Red...Bye Red. I swear that boy moves faster than Roadrunner.
Beep, Beep......
That's an overstatement Uncle

none the less.

Have a great day at work and I hope it's an easy one.
You bet, my favorite was a 69 Camaro convetible, I had just about finished the restoration when it was stolen. The cops basically told us "don't call us , we'll call you. We've got a 79 TransAm that we ordered new from the dealer that I don't drive nearly enough.
my favorite= 64 1/2 mustang, those are gorgeous.
I had one of those too, it was a white convertible with red interior and top.
What did you do with it? They are pretty hard to come by and if they are in good shape, they are not cheap to buy.