Fri 1 Apr, 2011 08:04 am - Roger you must be a 'pet' when you call at the 4pm and give the assistant a reason for being there and also a little bit of the local news, be it the weather or whatever. (view)
Fri 1 Apr, 2011 08:01 am - Yes, when it comes to shopping for the groceries I follow my list and as Roger says 'open to inspiration' but I detest it when I come home without an item on my list! (view)
Fri 1 Apr, 2011 07:53 am - Butrflynet, you have a system that works for you and it's trimmed down to a 'tee'. Keep shopping on-line and enjoy the challenges that this gives you!
Fri 1 Apr, 2011 07:48 am - Yes, I agree that local is best if it is available. This also helps build links in the local community, especially in these times of difficulty. (view)
Fri 1 Apr, 2011 07:46 am - I have come across some fantastic items in 'case packs' that would suit an E-bay fanatic for re-selling or someone like yourself Sozobe, who needs to find things for special activities. I... (view)
Sat 26 Mar, 2011 05:42 pm - I have often wondered what it is that people who love online shopping really experience as they trawl through the pages looking and comparing products? Are prices a major factor or is free shipping... (view)