Wed 30 Sep, 2015 11:38 pm - Andriod, 3D, 4aacD graphics is used in earlier games so far we are leaving in fast world then we are issuing new releases of games.
Use hard core pc to make games (view)
Wed 30 Sep, 2015 11:00 pm - I'm expert in developing sites on blogger. I am not familiar to wordpress. Now i'm thinking to buy hosting but the hosting providers are giving wordpress but i want to install blogger on... (view)
Mon 14 Sep, 2015 01:08 pm - oh i'm sorry :( i can't give your girlfriend back but it also happened to me in 2011 when i lost my girlfriend. Do you know what i did? I got another girlfriend. (view)
Mon 14 Sep, 2015 01:05 pm - Window 7, 8, 10 defender fights with security issues?
or other word it don't allow some files in computer on it.
Now my question is this can i disable windows defender? (view)
Mon 14 Sep, 2015 09:25 am - I want to buy a Lenovo B5030 Laptop.
What would you suggest me?
Can i install windows professional xp?
I am a low budget person. Waiting for your reply (view)