All new IBM PC-clone computers generally come with the latest MS OS unless you're putting together some sort of special discounted config w/o any OS, which is pretty doubtful.
If it's brand new, it'll have Win 10..and, if not a brand new computer, and is last yrs model (?), it'll have Win8.
The following is a link to Lenovo support page re Lenovo B5030 Laptop:
Unless you have your old Win XP CD and know how to install and/or partition the HD,
installing an older OS on a new computer is unwise. If you have older programs that work with Win XP, then you need new drivers or updated versions of the apps. Otherwise, you'll have compatibility or non-functional apps.
If you install Win XP OS, then you would probably need to partition your hard drive and create a dual-boot system and install (and support your own computer and troubleshooting) with Win XP. If this sounds too complicated (or over your depth), then your answer is NO - you shouldn't try using or installing Win XP on the new system.