Relinquish wrote: "The overall causal flow of the universal unfolding is invariably that of a dynamic harmony of fractal asymmetry. This is because the unfolding is actually the necessarily coherent, choiceless 'dance' being done by the Causeless Symmetry in celebration of It's own infinite, eternal completeness."
There is no "unfolding" -- if the Causeless Symmetry had to unfold, it wouldn't be eternal and complete, but rather, subject to revision and in the process of becoming.
The Causeless Symmetry is beyond celebration. It neither celebrates nor not-celebrates. It cannot dance, because "dance" implies the existence of parts undergoing change in relation to both one another and their environment. The Causeless Symmetry has no parts and no environment, being infinite, eternal, and complete.
Relinquish wrote: "...the absolute harmony of it all is impossible to see."
The Causeless Symmetry is beyond harmony and disharmony.
You cannot comprehend the Causeless Symmetry. Nothing can be said about the Causeless Symmetry.
Does the Causeless Symmetry possess the perfect Fantasy Football League team? Mu.
Does the Causeless Symmetry have a preference between Kwanza and Festivus? Mu.
Are frivolous questions about the Causeless Symmetry a form of mockery or a deep teaching-tool designed to bring wisdom to the fool and to humble the wise? If you answer this question, will I reply "So saith the fool!" regardless of how you answer?