Wed 23 Mar, 2011 06:03 am - Thank you, it's Ken Kesey, the writer, and Hell's Angels, the motorcycle gang. Wrong Spelling. Sorry. Because I’ve never been to America, I have no idea what this... (view)
Wed 23 Mar, 2011 05:51 am - Sorry, it should be "kesey" and "angels". Wrong spelling. The truth is without the automatic spelling checking system, I spell many words wrong. Very sorry. I really have... (view)
Mon 21 Mar, 2011 02:42 am - Hello, guys , I read in a book someplace called "MacNiven's House". it said it was the place where Ken Kensey, the Merry Pranksters, Hell's Angle hung out in the 1960s. So, is... (view)
Sat 12 Mar, 2011 09:53 am - I am still reading the book about Steve Jobs. There is one sentence describing him as " the kid with all the marbles". the preceding plot is about how Steve treats his colleagues as... (view)
Wed 9 Mar, 2011 06:46 pm - Hey, guys. I am reading a book about Steve Jobs. It said He was a head of a "renegade division". what does it mean by saying "renegade division". (view)