Wed 15 Dec, 2010 05:53 pm - [quote]If there is only one man, it is not normal to speak of a committee, unless the intention is to be ironic.
In that case, "the one-man committee of Joseph M" would be okay.
It... (view)
Wed 15 Dec, 2010 12:00 pm - Thanks for answering my question Mame. But what if the sentence is not altered, would still the preposition "with" be correct in the first sentence?
Regards (view)
Tue 30 Nov, 2010 02:47 pm - [b]Sentence 1:[/b] I've to tweet to you [b][u]from/with[/u][/b] a new profile.
[b]My question 1:[/b] What preposition would be grammatical correct to use in the sentence? I'm confused... (view)
Tue 23 Nov, 2010 02:16 pm - [b][u]Sentence:[/u][/b] Tapegate is [b][u]a[/u][/b] golden opportunity to expose self-righteous media.
[b][u]My question: [/u][/b] Do I need to use article "a" in the sentence? Or can... (view)
Wed 20 Oct, 2010 04:18 pm - [b][u]Sentence:[/u][/b] I sincerely feel my hero Rahul G should not go for the Who Wants To Be a Millionaire show.
[b][u]Context to understand the sentence[/u][/b] Rahul, the name mentioned in... (view)