Sat 4 May, 2013 03:26 pm - And you believe in a god that magically makes all your problems disappear when you die... Lol yea im the dumb one. may as well believe in magic and unicorns and dragons. Lets throw in the tooth... (view)
Sun 28 Apr, 2013 09:05 am - No you're right I don't and I never will. But let me ask you this do you wake up each morning and honestly deep down inside believe that god or jesus woke you? You mentioned me... (view)
Sun 28 Apr, 2013 08:59 am - I can agree with that. I still feel as if some people dedicate their lives to this "higher power" in fear that if they dont they will be punished. It just seems silly to me, but hey who am I (view)
Sat 27 Apr, 2013 08:12 pm - The reason for my post 50 percent to get an answer the other 50 to voice my own opinion read the past comments first.. Why do you post? Im gonna guess because you wanna voice your opinion. Think... (view)
Sat 27 Apr, 2013 08:02 pm - Im not out for a fight. i wanna see someone answer my question not anyone else's. if there was a clear cut answer you would answer me right now instead of saying ask nicely and maybe someone... (view)
Sat 27 Apr, 2013 07:29 pm - Okay and there are thousands about god in general why not just read those instead of post your own? Because you want your own opinion voiced right? If everyone just read and didnt post well there... (view)
Sat 27 Apr, 2013 07:27 pm - Im not angry. My fathers been dead 15 years it was just an example my anger has came and past. Like i said i dont believe in god therefore im not angry at something i dont believe in im just... (view)