Fri 1 Dec, 2017 11:37 am - The no contact is so that he reaches out to me. That was the point of it, so that he questions his choice of the break up, so he misses me. I'm not supposed to ignore him... (view)
Fri 1 Dec, 2017 11:14 am - So my ex and I have entered a no-contact period a week ago. (we've been broken up for about 2 months) Before that we had been talking every single day for the past 8 months. Since the NC... (view)
Tue 28 Nov, 2017 04:14 pm - The reasons for my depression were: coming out to some of my family, organization in schoolwork, talking to my mom about my issues, and personal image. I go to the gym to fix my image, gain... (view)
Tue 28 Nov, 2017 03:39 pm - My boyfriend and I dated for 6 months. We were just like any dream couple that you hear about or how people describe their early days of someone that they are married to. We would see each other at... (view)