Mon 9 Sep, 2013 01:49 pm - Ok ... I bought a print or what I believe is a print today of "The Hidden Valley" by Patrick Ching. What I do not understand is that his prints are advertised as being on matte paper. The... (view)
Thu 5 Sep, 2013 08:18 pm - I purchased artwork by Rusty Sherrill. The only artist by this name doesn't seem to do this type of artwork. I was wondering if this was the same artist and if it might hold any type of value.... (view)
Tue 18 Jun, 2013 06:34 pm - I purchased it at a local thrift store. The person selling the art work didn't know anything about the painting. I try to save paintings that I find interesting. (view)
Tue 18 Jun, 2013 05:42 pm - I came across this painting at a local sale. I can not come to the conclusion of what the name is on the painting. I was wondering if anyone might know the name of the artist or anything about the... (view)
Sun 16 Jun, 2013 06:16 am - This, actually is a painting. We saved it from a local thrift store. The workers that were unloading the truck where throwing childrens toys on top of it and my wife purchased it and had it framed... (view)
Tue 11 Jun, 2013 08:43 am - Hey everybody, I have a couple of pictures that appear to be silk needlepoint. I don't know if it's Chinese or Japanese. I loved the artwork, and decided to buy them. Do any of you know... (view)
Tue 11 Jun, 2013 08:28 am - I purchased this print a couple weeks ago and I can not find anything on the artist. I haven't been able to find the print either. I was wondering if anyone might know who "Deborah... (view)
Tue 11 Jun, 2013 07:46 am - I bought this painting at a local sale and searched all over the internet for the name of the painter. I have not had any luck at all finding the painting or the person named "Baily" that... (view)