Tue 22 Feb, 2022 03:07 pm - [img]https://i.imgur.com/VuiOVa6.png[/img]
T=4 is the present. Space (only one dimension is shown) doubles in size each time it moves up the world tree. Each step takes about a year. Each box is... (view)
Tue 15 Feb, 2022 07:41 am - The first universe with life was undoubtedly a non-spacelike khaos but intelligent creatures would soon create a new better universe for themselves. A new universe with (possibly eight dimensional)... (view)
Mon 13 Dec, 2021 10:09 pm - The tense vowels in beet, boat, & burt are what I call tones. These change into the tense vowels bait, butt, & bot respectively when something in the vocal appatatus changes. (Each of these... (view)
Tue 2 Feb, 2021 11:26 pm - I created these myself.
https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/44/Table_of_Nations.png (view)
Fri 14 Jul, 2017 05:31 pm - Yes there's tons of Clues hidden out there. But that doesn't mean their theory is anywhere close to correct. I know for a fact that they don't even have rodinia assembled correctly.... (view)