Wed 13 May, 2009 02:48 pm - I think I get some things in the special theory of relativity (STR). And in the Minkowski representation of it. I think I get that there is no two-term earlier-than relation: 'X is earlier... (view)
Thu 6 Nov, 2008 12:34 pm - What about this?
Consider the 2 inch spherical region in the center of a piece of clay. Say the region is filled with clay and entirely surounded by the clay in the piece. Is there a piece of... (view)
Sun 2 Nov, 2008 11:04 am - I don't know how to quote on here.
I think the issue about the green copper statue - X - and the Statue of Liberty - Y - is as problematic as the piece of clay/statue situation. (The green... (view)
Sat 1 Nov, 2008 05:33 pm - Fortunately, I didn't say Statue and Piece lack "identical definitions." I said "Statue is not identical with Piece." And if X is not identical with Y it does appear to... (view)
Fri 31 Oct, 2008 03:57 pm - Have you heard this one before?
Say you've got a clay statue. Call it Statue. It seems true that Statue is a piece of clay. Call the piece of clay Piece. What's the relationship... (view)
Thu 5 Oct, 2006 01:37 pm - So, evidently, Berkeley, California was named after George Berkeley, Irish philosopher. Anybody know how the pronunciation got mangled? (view)
Wed 26 Jul, 2006 01:22 pm - My friend reminded me that Hume used the expression in his _Treatise of Human Nature_. It is in the title of a section in Book I, part iv, I think. (view)