Sat 3 Nov, 2018 05:24 pm - Yeah that may be it. I don't consider it flirtatious but rest assured I know where the line is drawn. I'm just looking for answers. (view)
Sat 3 Nov, 2018 12:17 pm - You only live once and you'll forever miss this opportunity. Better strike now or you'll regret it later and another man will move in on her. DONT WAIT! (view)
Sat 3 Nov, 2018 11:32 am - There's been no inappropriate touching. It's not like I've slapped her butt. And no I'm not looking for a green light. And I'm not arsey!! (view)
Sat 3 Nov, 2018 10:40 am - A sexual favor hasn't been brought up nor do I see that happening. There would be signs like she's trying to get with me alone, a wink, or sexually suggestive remarks all of which never... (view)
Sat 3 Nov, 2018 09:40 am - Report her? I'm old enough to handle these things on my own. The entire workforce would look upon me as an uptight asshole and whimp. This is just a woman here and she won't even get to... (view)
Sat 3 Nov, 2018 09:30 am - I had to look that up because I've never heard of it and I don't watch star trek but massage of my ears could feel pretty to any man I guess. (view)
Fri 2 Nov, 2018 11:43 pm - I need some advice from both men and women. Been married for two years. I've been with her for 18 years and love her dearly. The thought of cheating never crossed my mind but how far is too... (view)