Fri 10 May, 2013 08:50 am - It's cool, I understand now. Should have known better to use slang when making a post on the internet. It's always going to be people who have to put everything the right way, which is... (view)
Thu 9 May, 2013 10:34 am - Even though you did mock me, I still understood everything you put. Don't worry, It's all good. You just smarter than me plan and simple. (view)
Thu 9 May, 2013 06:47 am - See you got it wrong. I read what you said Cleary and you said not intened as a insult. You were simply just stating your case. What I did take as a insult, is the fake conversation you made. The... (view)
Wed 8 May, 2013 09:54 pm - Forget that! Yall don't have to be so mean. I'm not a sensitive guy, but I see how easily a good amount of people can get to me. It's all good. (view)
Wed 8 May, 2013 07:48 pm - more insults. man you guys really know how to bash on someone. only a few understand regardless of what I put. say what you want at the end of the day its all good. the negativity of bad post is... (view)
Wed 8 May, 2013 06:58 pm - I didn't lose her. I hear what you saying even though its the same as everyone else. thank you though. more for me to learn (view)