I haven't been on able2know for years, not since I worked in London and had far far too much time on my hands sitting on call in an office! Well, I am back and hope to be able to come on here every now and then and share an opinion, join a discussion, or just have a read. I am not a hardcore poster, but will dip in and out as I please
Sat 2 May, 2009 12:31 pm - Stupid is harsh - surely the point is being able to ask questions and get help...
It does sound from the tone of the message that you may want to be pregnant. It is unlikely, but not... (view)
Sun 26 Apr, 2009 04:02 pm - Thanks all, very enlightening - I will pass on to my grandad.
Do you know if there are any solitary bee sepcies in the UK who would use it? (view)
Sat 25 Apr, 2009 03:04 am - Well, I seem to have figured out an important element of management, and it is to be human. The minute you stop empathising, you've lost it. (view)
Sat 25 Apr, 2009 03:03 am - Well, you will be pleased to know that I covered them all up, regardles of height, and they are all growing like mad through the soil again. I am now gradually earthing up every few inches - not... (view)
Sat 25 Apr, 2009 03:01 am - From what you have said I think it was a number of things - may have been too cold (tempremental British weather of late has been anywhere from frost to sunbathing weather!- rain today, now... (view)
Sat 25 Apr, 2009 02:55 am - That isn't a bee box - It's weird, it's like a hollow box, with no ends, and loads of tubes of what I can only think are bamboo running through it, creating tunnels for the insects... (view)
Tue 21 Apr, 2009 03:31 pm - I didn't know what it was until a few weeks ago - very confusing. I think gradual earthing up may be the way to go, otherwise I am going to have foot tall stems before the others reach height (view)
Tue 21 Apr, 2009 03:29 pm - As I thought, I wondered why on earth they would go in there. Apparently they are supposed to be like a 'stop gap' for the bees. I wonder if they would work if right next to the right... (view)