Tue 7 Oct, 2008 09:24 pm - cam me to istrun your cam on for me to, good god, why do you not just ask me what it mean instead of making things up. I know you did not make it up just letting you know what it is,some weird... (view)
Sun 5 Oct, 2008 08:57 pm - ok i'm going to look around . just to see what the talk is about. then Ill go to the deli. this is going to be funny if I know you. what color is your car? And what time do you go to the deli.... (view)
Fri 3 Oct, 2008 11:39 pm - you seem to have a lot of valuable time to read gibberish. Just wonder how that is cocetered valuable time. But I gess for some that is the only thing have to do so it is valuabel to them. But... (view)