Wed 13 Aug, 2008 11:03 am - Verbivore I know what it is like to be in a place that you don't know anyone and to feel alone, you are not alone when you are here with us and that damn internet is a pain. I felt so lost... (view)
Wed 13 Aug, 2008 03:17 am - Hi Crew
Glad Izzie is ok and your all looking out for her.
Deedee, glad your feeling a bit better. Yeah my husband had a Triumph actually 2 Triumph one a retro and the other a really old... (view)
Tue 12 Aug, 2008 10:43 am - Try, I have been in fits of laughter just wish I could have seen it! actually maybe not! I have been there, well not actually where you have had it but it really hurt my underarms and I then... (view)
Tue 12 Aug, 2008 02:31 am - Forgot to mention I bought 'The Worlds Fastest Indian' DVD the other day! Have watched it 3 times so far, I love it, what a fantastic film and it just reminds me of what life should be... (view)
Tue 12 Aug, 2008 02:26 am -
Ok promise that is enough of them but just love the sound! (view)
Tue 12 Aug, 2008 02:19 am - Hey RH am ok. Paris was hot very hot!
Edith Piaf classic just to give a little taste. (view)