Fri 6 Jul, 2007 11:21 am
Okay, so we go ALPHABETICALLY, adding on to the post above to create a long-ass run-on sentence, adding more and more horrible situations to what is already there. When we get to Z, we start over with a new situation, starting again with, "What could be worse? I'm..."
For instance. Post #1 would be something like, "What could be worse? I'm All alone in a hole in the ground,"
Then the next post would start with that, and go from there, such as, "What could be worse? I'm all alone in a hole in the ground, Being beaten with a wiffle-ball bat,"
And the next post, for example, could be, "What could be worse? I'm All alone in a hole in the ground, Being beaten with a wiffle-ball bat, Crying because my wife left me,
And so on. Does that make any sense? I guess we'll find out.
Okay, I'm going to start it out with the examples I've used so far. That means the next post should begin with a "D".
What could be worse? I'm all alone in a hole in the ground, Being beaten with a wiffle-ball bat, Crying because my wife left me,
downing drambuie and dunking doughnuts into douche...
elephants evacuating their bowels on my face,
Fornicating devils ramming hot pitch forks into my arse
Grey matter spilling out of my ears
Having to be pregnant for another 4 weeks.
just about to be run over by a steamroller
kangaroos snapping at my heels
lizards slinking up my shorts
molls attacking my crown jewels
nipping and nibbling at my sensitive spots
Opening my windows wide and letting etc come into the room
quivering at such a thought
raped by a pack of sex mad women
stumbling into a room full of insurance salesmen,