Wed 4 Jul, 2007 11:49 am
Yesterday, I went shopping for groceries and dog food. As I was in line to check out the dog food, I saw a large star-shaped soft toy I though Dolly and Madison would like---and it was only $2.49, so I bought it.
After I had unloaded the groceries at home, I gave the dogs the star toy. Maddy sniffed it. Dolly went wild over it and took possession of it immediately. Dolly played with that toy, running around the house with it, making it squeak, all day long.
Later, I was eating my dinner when I heard growling and snarling from the front office. I went to see what was going on. Apparently, Maddy had tried to play with the toy star and Dolly objected. My 7 pound alpha party girl attacked her beloved 14 pound Maddy, which suprised me because they never fight. I scolded Dolly and she immediately started up her cutie act with wagging tail, kisses and innocent looks. I took the star toy away from her and put it on the mid-high surface of a cabinet in the living room. Dolly begged and begged for the return of her toy to no avail.
During the next hour, Dolly tried several times jumping in a chair and trying to get up on the cabinet, each time, I told her to get down, which she did.
About midnight I went to bed and the two dogs took their usual spots on the bed. Later, after I was asleep, Dolly sneaked out of bed and continued her effort to get her star toy. When I woke up this morning, the star toy was on the bedroom floor under a bench. Dolly never gave up trying retrieve her toy star. She just learned how to be sneaky about do it so she could succeed.
Arf Arf from Dolly and Madison