Sat 23 Jun, 2007 09:56 pm
Hi All, I am stuck again on the pesky cryptic. Can't for the life of me
figure out the following 3.
1d. essay at end of soft - cover book.
2d. doctors ann met in tours and contests.
25a. commercial break has no purpose.
Thanks in advance to all you brainy people.
Gwen 39
Holiday cryptic 61
Hi gwen I will give you my answers but please don't ask me to explain.
1d Paperback
2d tournaments
25a adrift.
Perhaps someone else will confirm for both of us. Good Luck
I'm just helping maisy ( a newbie) out. cause she seems to have had part of her brain removed.
maizey wrote:holiday crossword collection no 61 the cryptic.
66 down; alfred the third due to return from conflict. ?e?d
Hi Gwen and others
Confirming Tuesday's submissions.
1d = paperback = essay = paper + soft-cover book = paperback
2d = tournaments = anagram of (ann met tours)
25a = adrift (ad + no purpose = no aim = drifting)
Good luck with your entry.
Thanks Tuesday and Dutchy I knew it would turn out be something
as plain as the nose on my face. Should have known paperback
I read enough of them.
Thanks again, will probably be back with some stinker
gwen 39