The two great surprises for me were Jespah and Patiodog (from the photos on Timber's thread). Jespah's blonde? Must be a mistake. I had always pictured short dark hair. Don't know why. I just did, but it was a strong impression. I'm not 100 percent sure why PD was such a shock. I think his avatar of a skull (skeleton) made me think of someone gaunt. Not gaunt at all.
At the other end of the spectrum, Noddy looks exactly like Noddy. She's a bit taller than I pictured. But otherwise there was no doubt in my mind that she was Noddy.
Deb, That bubblebath photo left an indelible impression. In a more recent photo, it looks like your hair is less poofy.
Soz, I saw a photo of you a long time ago. Long dark hair, young face. That's the image I carry with me.
Phoenix, I've heard that you're not tall. You'll be please to know that I don't picture blue hair. But I do picture light hair. Why? Dunno.
Set, No surprise with you.
cjhsa, Believe it or not, my mental image of you doesn't include a gun. Just a person.
Eva, I never ever thought you were a man.
Letty, I'm about medium height--with dark hair, which is starting to turn gray.
I think that avatars do contribute to the mental image. Maybe it's because they're the only image we've got.
BTW, when I first started posting on Abuzz, my name wasn't Roberta. People assumed I was a man.
Setanta wrote:You lie . . . there were no molded plastic lawn chairs 35 years ago.
You got me. Sorta. That's my son and my Dad. We all look a bit alike.
Out of self-serving curiosity: How tall do you think I am?
Noddy, Maybe 5'4"? The problem with my tallness perspective is that I'm shrinking. So people I see eye to eye with now are shorter than people I used to see eye to eye with. I used to be 5'6 1/2". The last time I was measured, I was 5'4". You and I seemed to be the same height. I always pictured myself as taller than you. We saw eye to eye.
Does this make any sense?
I'm 5'2" but I expect your dowager's hump is probaby bigger than my dowager's hump.
I don't have clear pre-pictures of A2K members, but I'm not a visual person. I find it much easier to write conversations than physical descriptions.
You are rather cheetah like--slightly crouched and poised to claw or purr as necessary.
I still can't get over the concept that you people exist outside of my head.
"Crouched"--like a sphinx, but not nearly as detached as the Egyptian variety.
I wanna know what Gus really looks like is there a picture posted on any thread?
stuh505 wrote:I still can't get over the concept that you people exist outside of my head.
We were all mirages looking at Opie and Andy.
('cept for Thomas' pretty curls.)
stuh505 wrote:I still can't get over the concept that you people exist outside of my head.
Well we don't. Maybe you think otherwise, but that's just a side effect from those drug trips you college students are always on.

Good timing, Chai -- you beat me!
I haven't had that many surprises, at least not major ones recently. I don't think I have any gender mix-ups anymore, though I did have quite a few in the early years.
Jespah really should have short black hair. If that's the picture we've all had in our heads for all these years, she needs to cut and dye for us. I don't think that is asking too much.
Phoenix has green eyes. Noddy is a nimble woman of distinction that looks very nice in green. Deb... Well, I think we all agree the tub picture will be with us for a long time.
chai and Thomas, Now you've gone and done it. The secret is out. We don't exist. Craven is gonna be pissed.
Thomas has curly hair? Another bubble boist.
Victor, Are you telling me that Gus's avatar isn't Gus?! I don't know how much more disillusionment and bubble bursting I can take.
Noddy, So here I'm sphinxlike. On another thread, you compared me to Athena. What's with all these mythic figures? I'm just a goil from da Bronx.
You aren't a sphinx--you just crouch a bit like a sphinx.
You aren't necessarily mythic, either--more archtypal.
btw Thomas...are you sure that avatar is not your third uncle twice removed?