Re: Mind's Eye Images Shot to Hell
Roberta wrote:When we see people here, we don't really see people here. We see words and an avatar. Over the course of time, I developed mental images--vague ones--of what I thought people looked like. But only in my head.
The images are based on attitutude, voice, and, yes, avatar. I'm not suggesting that people look like their avatars. I bear no resemblance to a cheetah. But the choice says something about me.
First it was Timber's thread. Lately, there have been gatherings; photos have been posted. The mental images I formed are gone. Reality has intruded. There were a few surprises and some nods; yup, that's exactly what I thought somebody would look like.
Do you form mental images of people here? What are they based on? Were you surprised to see a photo?
I don't think I form images as such.
I get a kind of gestalt's a persona, and it must have some sort of physical dimensions...(eg Setanta talked much faster than I expected, and Beth's voice was a lot higher, and Craven was somehow more MALE...I think I'd expected some sort of Puckish voice...and most of you to whom I have talked have more pronounced American accents, or Canajun, than I had heard you as having in my mind) but I don't see a physical body as such.
I can still get surprised by photos, but I don't have a clear physical image that they diverge from.