Mon 18 Jun, 2007 03:20 am
would like to know answer for indian village square, have m-i-an
Hi Bernicelucy
Welcome to a2k.
Your answer is 'maidan'
n. 1. In various parts of Asia, an open space, as for military exercises, or for a market place; an open grassy tract; an esplanade.
A gallop on the green maidan
Hope this helps.
Thanks Dutchy, I have been looking for a long time. Would like to know your source. Bernicelucy
Hi Bernicelucy
As requested.
\Mai*dan"\, n. [Written also midan, meidan, mydan, etc.] [Hind. & Per. maid[=a]n, fr. Ar. maid[=a]n.] In various parts of Asia, an open space, as for military exercises, or for a market place; an open grassy tract; an esplanade.
A gallop on the green maidan. --M. Crawford.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, © 1996, 1998 MICRA, Inc.
Just to reinforce Dutchy's answer, in the Hindi and Urdu language, a maidan is normally a open space, grassy or otherwise.
thank you to all who responded to my query about an Indian village square. This is a great site. I only have to learn how to use it properly so if I don't respond quickly it is only because of inexperience. Bernice lucy
Hi Bernice Lucy
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