Thu 14 Jun, 2007 09:56 am
What about homeless shelter jackasses bearing Geeks?
Pull in your horns boss, a little sympathy for the less fortunate why not; we all can't live in Canada. Are you just trying to stir up controversy?
Dagnabbit Phoenix, don't be too harsh on him, he left it a whole minute afore replying. Let him be why dontcha.
ex-abbuzzers to be in a band?
Has anyone seen a flaming dumpster?
Lose yours?
If one goes by, i'll let you know . . .
"I got dibs
Is this commie abuzz talk?
Band! I didn't know they still cut 78's. You must be flaming joeking:
Ted Nugent, a Monk and a Rabbi are headed for the Abuzz conference. They get lost. It's getting late and they need a place to sleep. So they stop at a farm. The farmer tells them he has a place for 2 to sleep in his front room, but one will have to sleep in the barn. The Monk agrees he will.
A few minutes later, there is a knock on the door. "I'm sorry," he says, "but there is a skunk in the barn. The skunk is an unclean animal and I cannot disturb its sleep by being in there." The Rabbi says "That's fine. I'll sleep in the barn." A few minutes later, there's a knock on the door. "I'm sorry," the Rabbi says, "but there is a pig in the barn. A pig is an unclean animal and I cannot defile myself by sleeping in the barn with it."
Ted Nugent says "Well, I guess I'm going to have to sleep in the barn" and goes out.
A few minutes later, there's a knock on the door
It's the skunk and the pig.
Wow, guess I found the dumpster. It still stinks.
That is just the sparkling witty retort I would expect from an ex-Abuzz pinko tree huggin libberall. So let me tell you, and the rest of the band;
I keep my phial of mutated Anthrax solely for duck huntin.
I would also like to take advantage of the editorial opportunities offered; to soundly repudiate the allegation of an anti Ozzie theme permeating this thread.
Have a nice day.
Any idea what ta's talkin' bout? Me neither. Let's dance.
Tryagain wrote: Due to the excessive number of death threats I am receiving, (that is the number above the standard norm) I would very much appreciate the person who changed the name in the story from;
Please provide the mean and the mode of the daily number of death threats. Also the standard deviation, and a chi-square analysis.
If you remain silent on the issue, then you are either lying or dead.
Ah! Merlin, we meet again at Avalon; nestling in those warm hills of silicon; yo bro, ow U go'n?
Although I am somewhat vexated at your rambustious, not to mention pugnacious discourse
.cough.....please excuse me, I had alphabet soup for breakfast; too many vowels!
I would say your standard Abuzz deviant is by defination:
Displaying behavior that is a recognized violation of social norms. Formal and informal social controls attempt to prevent or minimize deviance. It is not the act itself, but the reactions to the act, that make someone deviant. For example:
"If you remain silent on the issue, then you are either lying or dead."
Reply by a person I recognize from the bubble bath picture, "Or both" proves beyond doubt my prognosis. (Nevertheless, excellent reply)
However, you Sir crossed the Rubicon with your Chi protestations, as I live for the full body, light touch, warm taste and sweet aroma
.. of all teas; especially Darjeeling!
She may be square, but it's
Hip To Be Square
Something witty ? ! ? ! ? At this site?
The Froggies have an expression for that: Chercher midi à quatorze heures . . .
The Froggies have voted today again - and they are banned already (with the exception of a very few, namely Francis and the one or other plus the Canadian pseudo-froggies).