Wed 13 Jun, 2007 05:21 am
Hi, I need some help with 84a. Eminent I have NO_A_SE. Also 92a. Protuberance. Is it snub or snob???
mega stinker 50
Hi Ferdinand and welcome
for 84a you need notable, 74d is selkie. 92a I have knob. Perhaps someone will verify. Good luck.
Hi Ferdinand
Welcome to a2k.
I can confirm Tuesday's submissions, she is one of the best!
Good luck with your entery.
Thanks Dutchy and Tuesday, I can now finish the Stinker
Dutchy wrote:Hi Ferdinand
Welcome to a2k.
I can confirm Tuesday's submissions, she is one of the best!
Good luck with your entery.
Mega Stinker 50.
It looks like everyone has finished this one but me.
I need lots but a few have really got me beaten.
40a Loose gown - Ma?t?au - is it Manteau?
90a. Japanese fantasy genre - Ma?ga
117a Lightweight surfboard - M???b? - is it Malibu ?
125a. Keffiyeh band - A??l
88d. stabilizing wing on seaplane - S?ons?n
91d. Downfall - ???es?s
121d. Living fossil fish - C?ela???t?
178d. Advertises - P?u?s
As you can see I've still got a lot to do.
Hi Sweda
What have you been up to, you are dragging your feet.
40a = manteau
90a = manga
117a = malibu
125a = agal
88d = sponson
91d = nemesis
121d = coelacanth
178d = plugs
Someone else will probably verify. Where are you Tuesday?
Mega stinker 50
Thanks Dutchy, I always leave the Stinker until last.
Now will really have to work on it. although plenty of time before it needs
to be submitted.
Still got about a third of it to go but your answers were a big help.
I trust you will think about Dutchy when you win that big prize
Mega stinker 50.
Yes Dutchy I will let you know if and when I win anything - not for
the want of trying though.
mega stinker 50
Hi sweda and Dutchy
Here I am verifying Dutchy's answers, it's cold here at the moment, takes a liitle time to get going. Good Luck.
Mega stinker 50
Have given up on the above so will have to ask for help again.
138a. resettled - re???sed
167a. foreigner-loathing citizen - ????ph??e
148a - scattered - ????u???
124d. traditional - O?????o?
139d. open country - ??????ed
144d. Nothing - ????
Hi Sweda
Tough one eh
138a = rehoused
157a = xenophobe (You had 167a here
148a = diffused
124d = orthodox
139d = unfenced
144d = zero
Hope this helps, Tuesday will probably verify.
Good Luck.
Mega stinker 50
Hi Sweda and Dutchy
Happy to verify Dutchy's answers.
Mega Stinker 50
Thanks very much for the answers.