Karen - Karen Revisited - Sonic Youth
Mary - Mary - Scissor Sisters
Oberon - Oberon and Titania - Elvis Costello
Pete - sweet unique pete - kool keith
Quinton - Quinton's on the Way - The Pharcyde
Ronnie - Ronnie - Metallica
Simon - Simon Smith and his amazing dancing bear - Alan Price Set
Tom's Dinner - Suzanne Vega
Uma - Uma Canção de Amor Para - Bobby Long
veronica - elvis costello
Willie - Little Willie Boogie - Syd King
Xavier - Luceat Lux - The Xavier School song ("Xavier School our pride and glory")
Does this count. I really am scraping the barrel now. No offence to any Xavier School old boys/girls who might be looking in!
Yogi - Hey There, It's Yogi Bear - David Gates
(We may have to abandon the thread after "Z" I suggest.
Well, let's try a dodgy one then
Zabadak - Zabadak - Dave Dee Dozy Mick and Titch
Andy - Handy Andy - Patti Mack
Beverly - Beverly Hills - Weezer
Chase - Burlington Chase - Charlie Ryan
Duncan - I love to have a beer with Duncan - Slim Dusty