Coco - Coco Jambo - Mr. President
Emerald - Emerald Eyes - Fleetwood Mac
Fanny - Fanlight Fanny - Climton Ford
Garry - Garry Owen - Everything2
Heather - Bull in the heather - Sonic Youth
Inge - Love song from Inge - Inge Berge
Jerry - Grateful when you're dead - Jerry was there - Kula Shaker
Klaus - Klaus Klang - Alan Blackley
Lonnie - Lonnie's Skiffle party - Lonnie Donnegan
(Thanks for the pm. I'm sure I'll make it, but not tonight! Catch you later!)
Mary - Pretty Mary K - Elliott Smith
(Good Night)
Nicky - Darling Nicky - Prince
Opal - Opal Miner - Bill Scott
Potato - Potato's in the Paddy Wagon - The New Main Street Singers
(I'm serious...The girl's name was Potato)
Quito - Quito - The Mountain Goats
Roxanne - Roxanne - The Police
(can't remember if someone already said this one...but I don't crae, it's a great song)
Sandra - Look at Me, I'm Sandra Dee - Georganne Scheiner
Tommy - Living on a Prayer - Bon Jovi - "Tommy used to work on the dock...Union's been on strike, he's down on his's tough, so tough"
Unity - Songs Of Unity And Purpose - Various Artists
Vincent - Vincent - Don McLean