Mon 4 Jun, 2007 08:25 am
Inspired by Victor Borge's classic skit....
As prices rise, we need to prepare ourselves by adding one to every number in our words.
Tuesday becomes Threesday
So, three-da-loo.
This seems a s-three-pid, one and a half baked idea three me. No two will reply!
Do you ever practice dynamic elevension?
Unf-five-tunately, the worst is yet three come.
We went out five dinner last night. I nine a fajita.
If two were three have a lisp, Freeduck would become Fourduck.
Doce we use Spanish in the thread, Windows operating system replaced Tres and Devil Gate Drive was a song by Suzi Cinco.
Tworous is when things are twice as bad as you had thought.
Twice upon a time Tenveh was at the fivefront of trade, situ(nine)ed between the Meditteranean CI and the Indian Oncean.
II have been trying three find the fivetitude three compose a sentelevence or three five this thread but find it very difficult three outdo epenthesis' conquatrobution. II will have three fiveshoreleven what II was going three write as my brain has deactivnined.
Quick! Get sometwo three call tentwotwo. My twocle nine my igtwoa and fivegot three cook it!